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Greening our parenting: Some tips that could help you on your journey (Part 1).

I’ve been working on this post for a really long time now and it’s just been getting longer and longer! Tonight I realised that’s because caring for the environment is actually something I’ve become pretty passionate about! I’ve got so much I want to share that I’ve decided to make it into two blog posts. Part 1 is all about sustainable consuming and Part 2 about creating our edible garden. I think what I love about is the fact that we are making small changes in our daily lives but these things can add up to having a big and lasting impact on our earth. I’ll be the first to admit that we are definitely no ‘zero waste’ household but we have made a few choices that I’m pretty proud of this year and here’s a little summary of ways we are trying to ‘Green our parenting’ and lessen our impact and footprint on our beautiful earth. 1. We use cloth nappies Not MORE washing I hear you groan!! Are you crazy?! Yes, it is more washing but the pay off is well worth it in my mi
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